Sunday, January 9, 2011

JED HILL as "THE HUNTER" by Michael Anthony Downs

JED HILL tells us in his latest report that he is  gradually recovering from the devastating fire that quite frankly wiped out everything he had, and his dog Dakota also went missing.

"Thanks so much to all who have supported me in any way," JED said. "I appreciate everything very much."

Talling with one of JED's friends, he told me, "Jed is great guy. He is totally focused and will make it back on top."

We agree and are committed to keeping JED's blog going with news on his career, and all the latest from JED too.


Now, here is our chance to help JED get things together, It is his birthday this month, so we ask those who can to help him make it the best ever by supporting him. You can do so at  and, thanks so much.

We also support you for visiting the blog.

Jimmy H for JED's TEAM

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